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EREPS Registered. Registered Launched in 2007, the European Register of Exercise Professionals (EREPS) is an independent register of instructors,  EPTR European Patent and Trademark Register Morska 35 Brussels EU Parliament, Square de Meeûs 37, 1000 Brussels, Belgium EU Business Register European identity for educational organizations; Policy by the sector, for the sector; Integrity of a regulated domain space; Stand out from the crowd; Place for  Register- och dataskyddsredogörelse enligt EU:s dataskyddsförordning (uppdatering 11/2018). Registerförare: OK 77 rf, FO-nummer: 0894500-9. OK 77 rf  Skolverkets hemligstämplade register kan enkelt laddas hem via EU-kommissionens hemsida. 9. TACK FÖR ATT DU HAR KÖPT EN PRODUKT FRÅN.

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For the first time, all the information related to our risk assessments – including the data and studies used You may register a .eu, .ею or .ευ domain name if you fulfil the following criteria: *You represent an organisation established in: one of the European Union Member States; or Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway. EURid is the registry manager of the .eu and .ею Please contact the national competent authority, in case there are any questions on registration or maintenance of the register. Where insurance, reinsurance and ancillary insurance intermediaries cease to fulfil the requirements laid down in Article 10, IDD, they will need to be removed from the register. Community register of GM food and feed Search the register for products containing GMOs e.g. if you type 'cotton', you will get a list of all products containing cotton in their description.. This search covers the Community register of GM food and feed (Regulation EC 1829/2003) and the products subject to EC decisions on withdrawal from the market. Council and European Council documents are made available through the public register, in accordance with EU rules on transparency.

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EFLM Register of Specialists in Laboratory Medicine (EuSpLM) · Link to the IFCC Regional Federations:. 2525 Ventures BV / Weena 740, 15th floor. 3014 DA Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Chamber of commerce: 63661438. IBAN: NL22 ABNA 0544 8782  a) I agree to receive customized marketing communications from KitchenAid and other brands of WhirlPool Corporation as well as an one-time -5% personal  ACTIVE. Buvidal.

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Welcome to EU Business Register!The easiest way to find companies specified by branch, city and country within the 25 EU countries EU Business Services Limited and the EU Business Register are not related to any organization or institution of the European Union or Commission. The European Union electronic Register of Post-Authorisation Studies (EU PAS Register) On this page you can register (or resume a draft application for) a new study, update existing study records or search the EU PAS Register. To register a new study please click on 'Add Study' below: (If this is a study related to the coronavirus pandemic, please include the text COVID-19 in the study title) Europe Registry is your European wide domain name registrar providing complete coverage of European ccTLD domain names including .eu .de .nl .be .es .uk .it .se .ch .pl .at and more member states.